The holidays are a time to celebrate with family, friends and, of course, festive foods. But for many of us, it can also be a time of stress, indulgence and, ultimately, slipping into habits that can interfere with long-term health goals. While it's important to enjoy...
6 Ways to Keep Cholesterol in Check Today
September is National Cholesterol Education Month, which means it’s a good time to shine the spotlight on the importance of cholesterol and how to keep it in check. Sure, you know your numbers (or maybe you don’t) and that you’re supposed to keep those numbers low...
Five Ways to Beat a Halloween Candy Binge
Earlier this week, I shared tips with WFMY News 2 on how to manage having Halloween candy in the house, and avoid a Halloween candy binge. The goblins might be gone, but if you're feeling haunted (or taunted) by all the Halloween candy, read on. We've got practical...
Nourishing Young Minds: Powering Up for the School Day with a Protein-packed Breakfast
Well, it’s that time of year again – when summer slides into back-to-school time, leaving us wondering where summer went. For this registered dietitian-nutritionist and mom of two, back-to-school means spending a little more time on breakfast-planning for the week....
10 Healthy + Easy Snacks for Kids
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Family Meals: Eating Better, Together
October is National Eat Better, Eat Together Month. It's a time to reflect on the importance of eating more healthfully and eating together. If you have children or a partner at home, all of the never-ending togetherness during the pandemic may have you wanting...
A Most Unusual Mother’s Day + Mediterranean Brunch Roundup
This Sunday is Mother's Day. Most of us moms look forward to this as a day when, maybe just maybe, we'll get to sleep in. Or, eat a tasty meal we didn't have to cook--or clean up. Or, maybe just a homemade thank you card and a big hug. But this year, well, it's just...
New surreality + comforting granola bar recipe
Yesterday was hard. We're all feeling it... the new surreality of living in crazy coronavirus times. Hunkering down at home, spending lots of time with those in our home, trying to navigate this new space of being in each other's space. Every. Single. Day. I am keenly...
Benefits of a Protein-rich Breakfast
Benefits of Breakfast There are many benefits of eating breakfast, including fueling the body after a night of fasting. Arguably the most important meal of the day, there are many more benefits of a morning repast. Some of these other benefits include: Provides that...