Hydration Tips for Summer

Published on: 06/14/2024

The heat is ON! Summer is here, so let’s talk summer hydration. Staying hydrated is always important for function and feel our best, but it’s especially important when the temperatures soar. This summer hydration guide will show you why it’s important to stay hydrated in hot weather, plus 25 best drinks for to help you beat the heat!

Stay hydrated this summer with tasty, low- and no-sugar drinks.

It’s About More Than Just the Pale Yellow

You probably know it’s important to stay hydrated, particularly during the summer. (You’re right.) And you’ve also heard that you are likely hydrated when your pee is pale yellow. (Yes, probably.) But let’s dive into WHY it’s so important during the summer season. Then stick around for 25 TASTY NO- and LOW-SUGAR RECIPES to help you drink up for optimal health and peak performance.

Staying hydrated is critical to good health. It is so important because EVERY cell, tissue and organ in our bodies relies on water to function properly. While a well-hydrated body is important for so many reasons, these are just some of the ways that hydration impacts our bodies:

  • Regulates body temperature
  • Flushes toxins and waste from the body
  • Improves memory, focus and alertness
  • Promotes a healthy immune system and healthy digestion
  • Supports healthy and glowing skin
  • Lubricates and cushions tissues, spinal cord and joints
  • Helps maximize physical performance and muscle recovery
  • Boosts energy and mood

And staying hydrated in the summer months is especially important as the temperatures rise because we lose water in our sweat. And, of course, we tend to sweat more in the summer.

How Much Water to Drink

While drinking 8 glasses of water each day is the word on the street, how much fluid you need is a little more complicated than that. Fluid needs vary depending on the weather, humidity level, how much physical activity you get, your size and more. So how to know how much YOU should drink?

According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), most men should aim for about 125 ounces (or 15.5 cups) and women about 91 ounces (or 11.5 cups) per day. While that might sound like a lot, it’s important to note that we also get water from our food, especially vegetables and fruits. In fact, it’s estimated that food contributes about 20 percent of our daily water intake.

So if you’re aiming to drink 64 ounces of water per day, drinking other fluids (think tea and sparkling water) AND eating fruits and vegetables, you’re probably pretty close to meeting your fluid needs. But if you’re sweating a lot (which we tend to do in the summer), keep in mind that you may need more.

How to Meet Your Fluid Needs

While drinking water throughout the day (and eating the recommended amounts of veggies and fruits) is always a smart choice, sometimes we might want to replace electrolytes or just sip on something besides water.

So here are 25 tasty drinks to help you hydrate this summer. Feel free to sub out the honey or maple syrup for stevia or monk fruit to reduce sugar (and calories) and vice-versa, if you prefer.

Just a couple of things to keep in mind before we start chugging down. If you’re looking for a twist to your all-day water, stick to the non-caloric bevvies so it’s an even caloric swap. And if you’re trying to manage blood sugar levels, save the sips with added sugar or fruit juices to enjoy with protein-rich foods to help blunt the blood sugar response.

From fruity fizz drinks and flavorful teas to berry infusions and no-sugar mocktails (which can easily become summer cocktails, if you prefer), these drinks will have you feeling energized, performing at your best and ready to power through the hot days.

Click here to get the Summer Hydration Collection.

PLEASE SHARE: What are your favorite summer drinks? How do you stay hydrated in the heat? Please share. We’d love to hear from you!


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Hi, I’m Rima.

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As a registered dietitian-nutritionist (RDN) and Integrative & Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner (IFNCP), my passion is helping busy people like you reset their health habits and reach their wellness goals with small, smart steps. And my hope is that the tips, recipes, research and ideas I share on this blog inspire you on your wellness journey.

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